Coronavirus (COVID-19) Protocols:
Frequently Asked Questions
QUESTION: Who determines COVID-19 protocol and community access?
ANSWER: Protocols are determined by NWRRC based on guidance and directives from the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), and the Multnomah County Health Department (MCHD).
QUESTION: What health and safety protocols are in effect?
ANSWER: Staff are required to be fully vaccinated. Additionally, staff and residents are required to wear masks and other applicable personal protective equipment, and practice physical distancing. Signage is placed on walls, floors and seating areas reminding staff and residents of physical distancing practices. Hand sanitizing stations and disinfectant spray are available in communal areas. Air filtration systems have been upgraded and added to better filter the harm of viruses. Community access by residents is limited to the Department of Motor Vehicles, employment, medical, legal and financial needs. Rooms with an en suite are available for residents who have been exposed to or have tested positive for COVID-19.
QUESTION: What are the health and safety protocols for residents who test positive for COVID-19?
ANSWER: Residents who test positive for COVID-19 are quarantined for 10 days or more depending on the duration of symptoms. The quarantine duration is determined by guidance from the CDC, OHA and MCHD. Residents in quarantine are provided all basic needs to include food, beverage, medications, etc. by staff and are monitored throughout the day and night to determine need for an increase medical care.
QUESTION: Are newly admitted residents placed in quarantine? If so, how long?
ANSWER: Residents who were in custody at a jail, federal institution, or medical facility for at least 14 days and arrive directly to NWRRC will not be placed in quarantine after clearing an intake screening. Residents who arrive directly from a clinic with a negative rapid COVID-19 test result will be placed in quarantine until the Oregon State laboratory confirms the test results, usually in 3-5 days. If the lab confirms a negative test result, the resident will be released from quarantine. If the lab confirms a positive test result, the resident will remain in quarantine status as guided by the CDC, OHA and MCHD. Residents who arrive at NWRRC from the community without a rapid COVID-19 test, will be placed in quarantine for 10-14 days. Residents who wish to pursue a rapid test will be assisted and directed to the appropriate clinic for testing.
QUESTION: Are residents provided COVID-19 testing and vaccination options?
ANSWER: Residents are encouraged to access community clinics to receive testing and vaccinations. Staff can assist residents in these matters.
QUESTION: Are residents permitted to search and obtain employment?
ANSWER: Yes. Residents are encouraged to search and obtain employment through online application processes. In-person interviews and job placement may be accepted if the employer follows COVID-19 precautionary mandates.
QUESTION: Are residents permitted to go the Department of Motor Vehicles and Social Security Administration?
ANSWER: Yes. Residents are required to schedule appointments online prior to proceeding to these agencies.
QUESTION: Are residents permitted to have visitors at the NWRRC facility?
ANSWER: No. Visitation is not permitted at NWRRC at this time. Residents are encouraged to stay connected with their family and friends through telephone and virtual communications. NWRRC can provide telephones and laptop computers if needed. Visitation by health providers and legal counsel may be permitted at NWRRC but use of telephone and/or videoconferencing is preferred.
QUESTION: Are residents permitted social passes into the community for visitation with family members?
ANSWER: No. Social passes are not being considered at this time. Residents are encouraged to stay connected with their family and friends through telephone and virtual communications. NWRRC can provide telephones and laptop computers if needed.
QUESTION: Are residents permitted to access the community for shopping?
ANSWER: No. Residents may request through their case manager, approval for select items to be dropped off by family or friends at NWRRC; or items may be shipped via mail order.
QUESTION: Are residents allowed to attend religious services or addiction recovery programs in the community?
ANSWER: No. These services and programs are not being considered at this time. Residents are encouraged to attend such services and programs through telephone and virtual communications. NWRRC can provide telephones and laptop computers if needed.
QUESTION: How long will the COVID-19 protocols be in effect at NWRRC?
ANSWER: The safety and security of all residents and staff are the highest priority for NWRRC. Community restrictions will be eased when COVID-19 exposure, infection and death-rates decrease to a level that no longer poses a threat to all individuals that reside or work at NWRRC.