PREA Annual Report 2017
Prior to 2017, we at NWRRC were focused on implementing the PREA standards and preparing for our first audit. Having met all of the standards, 2017 was dedicated to the culture change required to ensure the standards are practiced.
NWRRC worked with the PREA Resource Center
in Washington, DC to identify best practices and to work through
challenges. After learning that numerous agencies throughout the country
have found that identifying and addressing sexual harassment as it
relates to PREA is a challenge, we scheduled training.
The PREA Resource Center identified a trainer who specialized in sexual
harassment, and NWRRC worked with them to provide the training to staff
from NWRRC, Oregon State DOC, Multnomah County, Clark County and
Washington County Sheriff’s Offices.
PREA Reports at NWRRC—2017