PREA Annual Report 2016
The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) requires every confinement facility in the United States to be audited by an outside, specially trained PREA auditor once every three years. NWRRC was audited in July 2016 and that report is available under the PREA tab on our website. NWRRC is in compliance with all PREA standards.
During the 2016 calendar year, 5 PREA-related incidents were reported and investigated. The breakdown is as follows:
Following each investigation and case closure, staff involved debriefs the case to identify the lessons learned and make changes if warranted. Our goal is to continue to improve in the areas of conducting a fair and balanced investigation, taking steps to maintain safety during the investigation, avoiding re-traumatizing residents and providing appropriate services to those who need them. We continue to place a high priority on ensuring the safety and security of our residents, visitors, volunteers and staff at NWRRC.