
Resident Resources

Locating and maintaining gainful employment plays a significant role in formerly incarcerated individuals’ ability to remain crime free.  Quickly securing full-time employment for offenders upon release is good for the individual, the family, the employer, and the community. While an individual is incarcerated, offenders are required to participate in educational and vocational programming. Most individuals have daily work assignments and learn highly employable skills. Offenders are taught positive work values, and regularly participate in mock interviews, resume preparation, and job retention classes. These individuals return to their communities better prepared to become productive members of society.

NWRRC is committed to assisting individuals releasing from prison to secure meaningful employment in the communities in which they will reside.  Partnerships with employers in the Portland/Vancouver metropolitan area communities are essential to re-entry success.

NWRRC offers a new Resource Room that consists of eight computers with internet access, reference material for job searching and preparation, and staff Resource Specialists who work with each resident. Phones are available to make and receive calls from potential employers.

The Resource Specialists who staff this room provide a comprehensive employment orientation for every individual including an employment assessment, resume and cover letter preparation, development of a criminal history statement, job searching skills practice, and mock interviews. Residents are also provided with referrals to partner agencies for job matching, computer classes, vocational rehabilitation, trade programming, and cognitive and soft skill building classes.

Additional services that are provided to the employee and employer are:

  • Ongoing monitoring of employees’ progress
  • Employer assistance with employment concerns
  • Mandatory drug testing at no cost to the employer
  • Sharing of conviction information, including crime(s) committed, dates, violations, and institutional behavior
  • Thorough screening of potential employees to minimize risks to employers
  • Continued support to both the employer and employee
Resource Room
Resource Room